What is The Holley LS Fest?...Well.....It's part car show...Part Drag Race...With some Autocross and Drifting thrown in to make sure they have all the bases covered....You can bring anything ever made or of your own creation....The only qualifier is that it must have the General Motors LS power plant...With the introduction of the new LT that platform is also allowed in the gate....It is a event like no other I have been to...For the price of registration you get to basically attend a weekend of everything you would want to do with your vehicle...As many 1/4 mile runs as you can run....You can sign up for the Autocross...They have a Countryside Cruise for those that want to get out and cruise around the beautiful Bowling Green Ky countryside...I did not have a LS powered vehicle but I did have a great time....Very cool event....Check it out!!!!
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