2022 Auto Crusade Car Show Cumming GA Last Minuet Check In Facebook Live Repost
I shot this video live for the ScottieDTV Facebook Page...from the 2022 Auto Crusade Car Show held in Cumming Ga. This is a last minuet check in video so there is more information about the show this weekend than custom cars and trucks...There is still some of that..But this was shot to get last minuet information out for those that are attending the 2022 Auto Crusade Car show this wekend in Cumming Ga...There will be something for everyone...And there is no ticket to come in and look around...It's free!! I hope to see You here this weekend...If not this is what You are missing...Live from the 2022 Auto Crusade Car Show in Cumming Ga...Check it out!!!
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