2021 NSRA Street Rod Nationals Builders Showcase Walkthrough
In this video from the 2021 NSRA Street Rod Nationals held in Louisville Ky, I Walk Through the Builder Showcase and check out all the cool that was displayed in it...The National Street Rod Association Street Rod Nationals is the NSRA's biggest show of the year and it's always a great event and one that I look forward to covering...Part of the event I look forward to is the builder showcase This is a section of the show that is inside the main doors as you walk into the Kentucky Expo Center. It's a invite only portion of the show and there is always some really nice stuff on display.....There is something for everyone....Street Rods...Muscle cars...Hot rods...Chevrolet ....Ford and MOPAR it's all well represented in the 2021 Builders Showcase from the 2021 NSRA Street Rod Nationals. If you attended the 2021 event You know that is was a awesome show...If You were not able to make it, I have You covered...Check it out!!!
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