2019 was the 50th Anniversary for the National Street Rod Association so it was a BIG year and a BIG deal to be invited to the annual Builders Showcase...The NSRA Builder Showcase brings in the top builders from across the the world to be displayed in the multiple atrium in the Kentucky Expo Center... The builders show case is a annual part of the National Street Rod Association Street Rod Nationals in Louisville KY and something everyone looks forward to seeing every year...Like I said 2019 being the 50th anniversary of the NSRA the builders invited and the custom vehicles they brought were some of the finest you will see at any event this year...There is something for everyone...Chevrolet...Ford...Mopar...even a Porsche?!?!..The builders showcase at the NSRA Street Rod Nationals is not just cars...There are also custom trucks....And it's not just Street rods....There Pro Touring...Street Machine...Muscle Machines...A little of everything...There are around 40 cool vintage vehicles displayed in the National Street Rod Association builders showcase Something you are going to want to see...Check it out!!
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