The title says no Camaro...But one slipped in somehow...It's the Holly LS Fest so you have to expect Chevrolet most popular car would be everywhere and it was...But in this video from the 2017 event I tried to show everything but the Chevrolet Camaro...The Holly LS Fest is like a play ground for anything LS or LT powered...You can drag race ..Autocross....Show and shine...Cruise around...Just a place you can take your LS powered Hot Rod and have a good time for the weekend...Now the vehicle doesn't have to be General Motors...A car or truck is fine...The only requirement is that it is LS or the new LT platform powered....There is no other event on the planet that I am aware of like the Holley LS Fest....I didn't go last year...But I am heading back in 2019...A great event for sure...Cool in every direction you look..Check it out!!!
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