1968 Chevrolet Camaro Street Machine Steve Holcomb Pro Auto Custom Interiors Metal Brothers Hot Rods

A quick look at a 1968 Chevrolet Camaro Street Machine that Metal Brothers Hot Rods will have hitting the streets, Summer of 2023. I caught it just as it was leaving Steve Holcomb Pro Auto Custom Interiors with a new custom leather interior...Going to be cool when it's done..Until then.. Check this YouTube Short out!! #coolestcarsontheweb #scottiedtv #customcars #chevrolet #streetmachine #protouring #chevroletcamaro #68camaro #proauto #proautocustominteriors #steveholcomb #lsswap #lsnation #lsswapped #customcars #custominterior #streetmachineinterior #protouringinterior #leatherinterior
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