1963 Chevrolet Corvette "Split Window Corvette" Pro Touring Steve Holcomb Pro Auto Custom Interiors
In this video from Steve Holcomb Pro Auto Custom Interiors I arrive just as they are finishing up this 1963 Chevrolet Corvette. Covered in a Dark Blue that I really like, Steve and the Crew at Pro Auto Custom Interiors added a Grey and Black custom leather interior that works nicely with the body color and the rest of the build. Steve Holcomb Pro Auto Custom Interiors are known for their custom designs, With this 1963 Split Window Corvette the client had a rendering done that this one was built off...A classic look that works well with the rest of the build. This 1963 Chevrolet Corvette from Steve Holcomb Pro Auto Custom Interiors is not a crazy custom....It's more Pro Touring...Now it's ready to be driven a new usable custom interior...This was it's last stop after being mechanically upgraded. Modern Chevrolet Performance LT4 under the hood. The suspension and brakes have been up graded to modern technology. Wheels are a personal choice and no one set will please everyone. I like the ones they have chose to run on this 1963 Chevrolet Corvette from Steve Holcomb Pro Auto Custom Interiors...All the cool of a 2nd Generation Corvette with all the modern mechanicals to make it reliable and fun to drive...Cool Car for sure...Check it out!!!
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